Cargo Base System
Cargo Base System
Cargo Base System
Air System
Cargo Base Air Operations System is a comprehensive application developed for the air freight forwarders. System design integrates essential elements for Air Forwarders in -Customer Relationship Management -Daily Documentations -Sales & Marketing -Operations Control -Job Profit & Loss Analysis -Various Management Reports -Built-in Email Integration -Seamless Integration with Accounting System ....
Sea System
Cargo Base Sea Operations System is a comprehensive application developed for the sea freight forwarders. System design integrates essential elements for Sea Forwarders in -Customer Relationship Management -Daily Documentations -Sales & Marketing -Operations Control -Job Profit & Loss Analysis -Various Management Reports -Built-in Email Integration -Seamless Integration with Accounting System ....
Account System
A comprehensive Accounting System PLUS tailor made features specialized for the forwarding industry -Seamless integrated with Operations Systems -Real Time Posting -Built-in Email Integration -Real Time Operations / Accounting Control -Multi currencies Part of Modules/Reports General Ledger Sales Ledger Purchase Ledger Bank Receipt Ledger Bank Payment Ledger Debtors /Creditor Statement Debtors/Creditor Aging Analysis Integrated Customer Statement Integrated Customer Aging Analysis Account Movements Customer Movements Trial Balance Profit & Loss Profit & Loss - Monthly Breakdown Balance Sheet ....
China office's Consol Account P/L & B/S
Provide integrated presentation in Xls for ALL China Offices in 1. Account Profit & Loss 2. Account Balance Sheet including -Breakdown for each individial China office -Total for ALL China Offices ....
ISAC House Way Bill Manifest
A comprehensive module to prepare ISAC HAWB manifest to Terminal -Fully integrated with Cargo Base Operations System -Self Validation Test with the file created ....
Consolidated Customer Statement & Aging Analysis
With your fast expansion in China market, now your Account Receivable and Account Payable are not only limited to an isolated local office. With our 'Consolidated Statement of Accounts' and 'Aging Analysis', both management and account departments can keep track on the updated Account Receivable and Account Payable status on a real time basis which is essential to implement your credit control effectively ....
P/L Analysis per Shipments
Getting in depth understanding of company's performance down to the shipment level surely provides management with essential measures on performance of all parties, such as shippers, consignees, agents, salesmen, destinations, origins.. However, due to different shipment types such as FCL(Sea), LCL(Sea), Consolidation(Sea & Air), Shipment by HAWB(Air), Shipment by Direct Master(Air), it is always a difficult task to simply prepare a Profit and Loss per Shipment without much extra effort for operations to allocate the related revenue and cost manually or by complicated system procedures. Our 'P/L Analysis per shipment' module is designed in coping with practical operations environment with built-in intelligence for the related allocation. Operations just need to work on with their daily documentations with simple decision flag, the Profit & Loss per Shipment will be generated accordingly. Thus to improve the operations efficiency and at the same time prevent mis-input according to manual allocations. ....
Cargo Tracking
Allow related parties such as Shipper, Consignee, or Overseas Agent to track and trace with their shipment status on web. In order to meet different track & trace purposes, they are classified into General Cargo Tracking System -Suitable for General Inquiry of shipment info -No specific User / Password requires -Enable clients to check general shipments' info by Sea - Either Bill Number or Container Number Air - Hawb Number -ONLY provide general shipment details in 1. ETD 2. ETA 3. Delivery Agent Authorized Cargo Tracking System -Suitable for fulfilling requirements from specific clients¡¦ who need to get full details of the shipments in real time basis -Specific Login Company ID/User/Password require -Enable specific clients to check 'full details' of their OWN shipments -Varies 'Query' parameters in allowing clients to search their own shipments by -Date Range, -PO Number, Bill Number, Master Bill Number, -Vessel/Voyage/Flight, Port of Loading(Departure), Port of Discharge, Destination, -Carrier .. -Enable Overseas Agents to update 'Proof on Delivery' details for those cargoes they handle ....
An interactive web platform where authorized shippers are able make their own bookings, while both shippers and your operations can keep track of the interactive booking status. Special features:- -Self defined & easy to manage user / password setting for ebooking users -Intuitive design, input form almost identical with practical Shipping Order or Instruction layout -Seamless integrated with in house operations Booking module -Allow to create bill or Hawb according to ebooking infomation -Automated email alert in updating booking status for all relative parties ....
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HKG: (852) 2757 9932
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